The Seventh Tap Brewing Project is a formation of three amigos (Jose, Colby, and Samuel) who share a dream of bringing our love for brewing and drinking craft beer to the local community. The three of us all come from unique backgrounds, but our overall passion for this industry has brought us to where we are now. We all came together through a homebrew group here in Shreveport in 2014. Over a short period of time our friendship grew through the art of brewing and sharing craft beer.
We decided to collaborate as a group for a major homebrew event in Dallas in which all the participants came with a semi professional setup and excellent beers. We did not want to disappoint so we brought our best. We had done one previous event together in which we built a large wooden portable serving system called a jockey box. The construction of this simple little jockey box was what laid the groundwork for where we are today and is what gave us our identity, The Seventh Tap.

This box we were building was going to be perfect with 6 taps drilled for serving the beer, but during the execution of our drilling an extra hole managed to drill itself into this box. Big deal so what. We laughed it off and made it work, but as we were planning for our event we still did not have a name to call our collaborative project in which all three of us homebrewers were about to embark. This is the point of inception for The Seventh Tap Brewing Project.
The thought of us starting a brewery together was always in the back of our minds, but after several years of serving at events along with winning multiple awards we began taking steps to fulfill our dreams. The overwhelming support from our local community helped us gain the courage to take that leap towards opening the brewery. We wouldn’t be where we are today without our unwavering group of fans, and our number one goal is to continue to provide them with high quality and unique styles of beer that they have come to expect from us.